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Expander Group

The Expander Group is used for grouping Expander components.


npm install @nib-components/expander-group


import ExpanderGroup from '@nib-components/expander-group';

Interactive demo



expandedIndexnumbernullIndex of the expander to be expanded.
expandedIndexesnumber[]nullIndexes of multiple expanders to be expanded. Requires multiExpanded = true
onExpanderToggledfunctionA function to be called when the expander is toggled.
multiExpandedbooleanfalseBy default, only a single <Expander /> is allowed to be open at any one time. This allows more than one to be open at any one time.

In addition to these props, expanded and onToggleExpanded props are passed down to the children of <ExpanderGroup /> to keep state on the expanded state.


Expander Group by default limits the number of Expanders allowed open at a time to one. However, Expander Group can allow multiple Expanders to be open at a time with the multiExpanded prop.

Expander Group can initially open a specifc Expander by setting the index to the zero-based index of the Expander using the expandedIndex prop.